Tuesday, 26 June 2012

My Way

Over the last two days I have zipped from Sunderland to Blyth and back , then to Newcastle and back , then to Wolsingham and back with small forays to Whitburn and Dawdon in between. I have purposely driven very economically and not exceeded 50mph . These are pretty representative local trips with Wolsingham at a 58 mile round trip being the longest. I, like Mr Sinatra, have travelled each and every highway, and while Mr S is obsessed with his own way of doing things, I have slavishly  followed the recommended driving methodology and can report that top wack distance on these sort of trips from a fully charged battery is 75 miles allowing a residual 5 miles to limp to a charging point.


  1. I don't know how many miles you drove before you had the leaf. Do you think you are doing more now that you have it?

    1. The mileage is pretty representative of visits to sites etc except the newcastle trips which I used to do on the metro with my bike and I am missing the reading time and the exercise

    2. I never realised you travelled around so much. Naive of me I guess. I can see now why you are trying the leaf. Lesley drives I guess 50 miles a week tops and car shares to work.
      I have now fulfilled my long held ambition to cycle to schools with all my kites and workshop gear in panniers and a trailer. I can get to a lot of schools here with most of the journey on cycle paths which is great. The coucil had £22 million! to spend on cycling....that pays for a few paths!!
