Thursday, 17 May 2012

quick charge in Thornaby - a building site near a viking settlement

Travelling to Darlington from Sunderland - although it's only about 32 miles took half of my allotted pretend miles - 'electric miles' we know them as. It used up 50 of my electric miles due to driving on the A1 for part of the journey. so i decided to play it safe for the return ( another 52 miles were offered to me on the clock - but I can do without the ignominy of running out of power just before i get home thanks very much. So there's a quick charge point at Thornaby - a bit off my A1 route but only a small detour which would bring me home up the A19. The point didn't show up on my satnav and when i reached the nearby streets i was told that Wylam Court didnt exist, yet. Turns out it's a bit of a building site - just go through the site entrance and you'll find it. So after a tour around among the rows of parked white vans, lo and behold - my saviour - the quick charge point. It's called Electrobay Rapid Charger and it does what it says on the label. 10 mins should be enough and a chat on the phone to Anna while i wait - sorted. After about 8 mins, I said to anna - i'll have to go there's a security chap striding towards me. Mr Lindo he said his name was - and he was chuffed to see the charge point being used, he thought, for the first time. we chatted for quite a few super charged minutes - which luckily arent costing us anything during this trial otherwise i might have had to cut things short. Forgot to go and visit the 'facilities' which were advertised on the charge your car website - toilets and vending machine in the Cablecom reception. Must try them next time; sure to be back. p

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