Wednesday, 9 May 2012

time to talk

to calculate journey time anywhere in this car you need to add on 5 mins at each end to chat with the car park attendant or whoever happens to be passing, who are always interested to know what its like to drive.


  1. I don't really think you can claim this as a "Zero Emissions Journey" until you can ascertain that the electricity you use for charging the Leaf was produced with zero emissions. Sorry to prick your eco-bubble a little. That's not to say I'm not in favour of electric vehicles, I've always wanted a milk float, but you do need a '360 degree' or 'whole system' perspective.

  2. yes the dirty electricity is an issue and was the first comment/question we had when we started reading up about it. the main 'zero' benefit is on the street. i guess if the road was full of them the air around the cars would be cleaner - but the pollution would be somewhere..... p
